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Preventing catheter acquired urinary tract infections (CAUTI)

AHSN CIA / Project / Preventing catheter acquired urinary tract infections (CAUTI)

Preventing catheter acquired urinary tract infections (CAUTI)

What is CAUTI?

A catheter acquired urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is a UTI that has resulted from the use of an indwelling urethral catheter. It is estimated that 20-25% of all hospital inpatients are catheterised at some point in their stay – 30% of these patients will develop bacteria in their urine within 2-7 days and 25% of patients with bacteriuria will develop a CAUTI.

Why is it a priority?

CAUTI accounts for 19% of all hospital acquired infections and can cause significant harm and even death, with 5% of CAUTIs developing into sepsis. As well as representing an avoidable harm to patients, each CAUTI costs the NHS circa £2500. It is estimated that across the Oxford AHSN region CAUTI costs the NHS over £3.5m each year.

What are we doing?

We have worked with teams from acute and community Trusts across the region to develop a CAUTI toolkit consisting of:

  • Protocols for catheterisation
  • Catheter documentation including a catheter passport
  • HOUDINI criteria for removal of catheter
  • Diagnostic algorithms
  • Education strategy

We have also developed business cases for the procurement of additional bladder scanners and have worked with Health Education England Thames Valley to develop a high quality e-learning package on continence, catheterisation and CAUTI prevention.

The next phase of the project will focus on dissemination and spread, sharing learning with other Trusts in the region and engaging with the care home sector.

E-learning programme

The E-learning for excellence in continence and catheter care programme comprises two sessions: promoting best practice in continence care and promoting best practice in catheter care. The programme has been developed by the Oxford Academic Health Science Network, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust and Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with e-Learning for Healthcare (e-Lfh) and Health Education England Thames Valley. This programme, aimed at nursing staff and health care assistants across all care settings, aims to improve knowledge and awareness of all aspects of continence and catheter care. The programme includes discussion of the different types of incontinence and the therapies and treatments that can be offered to patients. Emphasis will be placed on avoiding catheterisation and on strategies for reducing the risk of CAUTI in situations where catheterisation is unavoidable. The e-learning programme can be accessed via the e-learning for health website.

Who are we working with?

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,  and Health Education England Thames Valley.


For more information, please contact: Hannah Oatley

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